Here I share articles about my work, my experiences and my beliefs about health and wellbeing.
Let me know your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you.
Combining Creativity, Meditation and your Hobbies
Combining Creativity, Meditation and your Hobbies. Does it feel as though you have no time for your hobbies? Do you wish you could just switch off and relax more often? Has your NY’s resolution to...
How stressed are you, and how do you know?
How stressed are you, and how do you know?Back in 2012 I was researching stress levels in society for an evening workshop I was giving with two other complementary practitioners. I found out that...
7 Reasons ‘Diets’ Don’t Work
7 Reasons ‘Diets’ Don’t Work. Most of the time we read about the latest diet fad and the must do healthy eating diet but here I want to tell you why I believe diets don’t work - long term - and to...
7 Natural Solutions for Anxiety
7 Natural Solutions for Anxiety. After covid and lockdown and with all the stress, trauma and uncertainty in the world today it is not surprising that anxiety levels are at record highs in our...
Changing Perceptions Around Stopping Smoking
Changing Perceptions Around Stopping Smoking! It doesn’t have to be difficult! It really doesn’t. Yet there are so many expectations around stopping smoking –that it is too hard and that it takes...
Shake it off
Shake it off! A natural Way to release and manage stress and tension in your body. Shaking is one of the oldest medicines on earth. It has been used in rituals and ceremonies by indigenous peoples...
Life Style Habits
Quick 7 Life Style Habits for Good Health Quiz Do You... Drink enough pure water? Other drinks, many of which can dehydrate us such as coffee and black tea, or contain sweeteners or a lot of natural...
Feeling Over-Stressed?
Feeling Over-Stressed? What if your body already had a way to release stress? Well, it does! Our bodies have a natural mechanism for releasing the stress and tension that is held in the body and is...