TRE® Natural Stress & Trauma Release

“Shaking is the oldest medicine in the world”

Bradford Keeney.

Resonance Therapy

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well”


Quantum Energy Coaching

“Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you are right.” 

Henry Ford.

Hi, I’m, Derryn. Welcome to my holistic approaches and therapies for modern-day healing!

Sometimes we just need someone to listen, to understand

Other times we need help with trauma or stress

Or we may need deep-reaching support to overcome out-of-control cravings or a destructive addiction

Dealing with the pain and suffering from stress, trauma or addictions need not be undertaken alone. I can help you work through these issues with a variety of services and help you regain your health and happiness.

Please explore my website. Whilst not every approach will suit everyone, if one of my services feels like a good fit or if you would like to discuss how we can work together, please get in touch to arrange a free discovery call.

TRE® - Tension, Stress and Trauma Release Exercises by Derryn Snowdon

TRE® Natural Stress and Trauma Release

Release, rebalance, renew

NeoWellness Resonance by Derryn Snowdon

Resonance Therapy

Be free of persistent cravings and addictions, Peace of Mind

QEC – Quantum Energy Coaching by Derryn Snowdon

Quantum Energy Coaching

Change your thinking, change your life

What people are saying …

I had one session with Derryn to stop taking sugar in my tea. The next day I found it easy and surprising that I no longer wanted to add 3 cubes of sugar to my tea! It has been 8 years since then and I don’t miss sugar in tea.

Resonance Therapy


Derryn’s TRE® Groups have helped me to relax, get more grounded and in touch with the body. After just two sessions I understand a lot more about the tension we hold in our bodies and how we can release it correctly. I have personally felt looser, relaxed and at peace after sessions. Derryn will take you through it slowly at your own pace and be there for support along the way.

TRE® Stress and Trauma Release


Derryn has been such an anchor for me in life, at a time when I really needed one! She has such a relaxing aura of calm. I’m always amazed at the wide range of experience and techniques which she has. I like that each session can be fluid and that she adapts what we learn or discuss based on what I need at that time, or where the conversation takes us. What I learn from her is empowering, uplifting, and really, really useful!

QEC  Quantum Energy Coaching



Got questions? Contact me - I would love to hear from you!

Want to discuss how you can work with me? Message me to arrange a call!

07584 657465