Natural Stress and Trauma Release

Release stress, tension and trauma from your body naturally, and relax your body and mind.
TRE® is an innovative series of exercises, developed by David Berceli PhD, that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. TRE® enables you to release patterns of tension and stress in the body and so relax, renew and rebalance. At the end of your TRE® session you have a period of integration and can access a sense of deep relaxation.
With me in TRE® sessions you learn to safely activate your body’s natural stress-release response. I am a qualified TRE® practitioner and it is my mission to help others heal from chronic stress and trauma naturally, by accessing and learning our innate stress-rsponse release mechanism.

What’s the best way to learn TRE®?
Learn TRE® with a qualified and certified TRE® provider, especially if you have a history of trauma or abuse. Your body can be like a pressure cooker or a shaken up fizzy drinks bottle. Either you can’t get the top off or you open it too quickly and you release too much too fast leading to overwhelm! Learning TRE® with a certified TRE® provider is the safer, gentler way to reconnect with your body’s natural stress release mechaism and learn a wellbeing tool for life.
What happens in a TRE® session?
In a TRE® session I explain the background and key points of TRE® and why it is such an amazing self-care, mind-body tool for life. As you release tension and stress that has built up in your body, your mind also benefits. During TRE® I guide you in letting your body lead and your mind observe. Changes can be felt from the first session, although usually 3-4 sessions are recommended to gain confidence and experience to do TRE® by yourself. Over time regular use of TRE® offers increased wellness benefits.
How does TRE® work?
TRE® harnesses your body’s innate stress-release response. The tremors and movements during TRE® are natural, spontaneous and involuntary, and they follow your body tension patterns to Release, Rebalance and Renew. Releasing tension in the body releases tension in the mind as well. You are fully conscious during TRE® and you are in control.
My aim is to enable you to learn to use TRE® as a lifelong self-care tool that works for you in your lifestyle. Once you are comfortable practising TRE® by yourself you can join my monthly online TRE groups for support. TRE® is a cost-effective way of looking after your health.

What else should I know about TRE®?
TRE® is a way of healing from trauma – without having to relive the trauma. This is a body-based practice that can be adapted for anybody and any body. I adapt the exercises to suit different abilities, issues and body types.
Build resilience, calm and connection with TRE®
How can I work with you?
You can work with me either online or in person. Once you are comfortable using TRE® on your own, you may want to join my monthly TRE® groups that support you maintaining and deepening your TRE® practice. You’ll hear from and can share with others who are using TRE® in their lives, and you can join the TRE® community in this way.