Resonance Therapy

 Are you looking for an easier way to …

…stop smoking?

…give up alcohol or drugs?

…lose weight or quit carbs and sugar?


With Neowellness Resonance Therapy we take away the stress of quitting a habit or addiction and supoort you in giving up for good. 

With Resonance Therapy giving up is easier and even quicker. This unique specialised therapy is tailored to your needs and your body so that you can give up without the cravings and difficulties.

Resonance Therapy supports your body to detox whilst greatly reducing cravings, often to nothing. The emotional aspects of addictions and cravings are also addressed with these therapy sessions.

Create a new healthier, happier lifestyle today by getting free of unhealthy habits and addictions that are damaging your health and happiness.

How does Resonance Therapy work?

This Therapy uses ultra-fine electro-magnetic frequencies to help your body remove the patterns and habits of cravings and addictions. Therapy sessions are in person and are 60-90 minutes. Each session is personalised to your individual needs and bodily state.

Throughout the sessions you can relax and we discuss the changes ahead and how to manage them best. I support you in finding solutions so you can achieve the sustainable change you desire.

The number of sessions can vary per individual but as a guideline:

  • Stop smoking in 1 – 3 sessions.
  • Stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs in 6 – 8 sessions.
  • Quit carbs and sugars in 3 – 8 sessions. (weight loss, candida and bloating, diabetes)

Resonance Therapy can further support you for: Emotional issues; support for specific parts of the body, and for inflammation and pain.

Another protocol I offer is the Peace Of Mind Resonance Therapy which is for focus, motivation, happiness and productivity. The Peace of Mind therapy has proved useful for people who have difficulty focusing and are easily distracted.

All Resonance Therapy sessions are offered in person only in my home-clinic in Bletchley, Milton Keynes, UK.

What clients are saying…

To lose weight I knew I had to stop snacking on pastries and chocolate bars, reduce my alcohol consumption and start exercising again, but with work stress and traveling a lot it was so hard. This therapy made it easier by taking all the cravings away and helping me find ways of eating healthily. I lost 7kg over a year.


My niece had 3 sessions with Derryn because she found concentration and motivation very hard in her school work. The first week her concentration had improved and she worked by herself on a Maths question. Since then she has started reading a lot and become a little bookworm! She has also made new friends at school.


Something has changed in me. Something has gone. The relationship with the e-cigs and me has changed. It has changed my perception of cigarettes. I didn’t believe I wouldn’t want cigarettes afterwards, but I don’t!
I had a headache for a number of hours, but Derryn told me to drink lots of water, and it passed. Even when I’m out drinking with my mates I still didn’t want a cigarette!
